✏️ To edit retention policies, you must have the Data Governance Admin role. To request for the Data Governance Admin role, contact your Company Admin.
To edit a retention policy, perform the following steps:
- Go to your Miro settings.
- On the left pane, under Enterprise Guard, click Content lifecycle.
On the Retention page, click the retention policy that you want to edit.
The page displaying information related to the policy appears. - Click Edit at the top-right of the page, and then edit the required field. The following table lists each field and its description.
Field Description Name
Name of the retention policy.
Max length: 60 characters.
Description of this retention policy.
Max length: 300 characters.
Retention period
Specify the retention period. This indicates the period within which you want to prevent boards from being permanently deleted. In the current release, the retention period is calculated based on the date and time when the board was last modified.
If you want to specify the retention period in Months, you must select a retention period between 1 and 120 months.
If you want to specify the retention period in Years, you must select a retention period between 1 and 10 years.
Select the scope for this retention policy. The scope indicates the boards for which this retention policy is applicable. You can set the scope of a retention policy for all boards in an organization or for specific board classification levels.
Set the retention policy for all boards in the organization
If you want to set the scope of the retention policy for all boards in the organization, in the Scope list, select All boards in organization.
Set the retention policy for a board classification level✏️ To set the scope of the retention policy to a specific board classification level, you must ensure that the Data Classification feature is turned on. Once a retention policy uses a board classification level, you cannot turn off the Data Classification feature. For more information, see the documentation on Data Classification.
If you want to set the scope of the retention policy for a specific board classification level, perform the following steps:
1. In the Scope list, select Classification.
2. Click the list beside the Classification list and then select the classification levels for which you want to apply the retention policy. You can also search for the Classification levels, and then select the Classification levels.
A check mark appears beside the classification levels associated with the retention policy.✏️ Notes:
- You can select multiple classification levels at once.
- You cannot set the same classification level for different retention policies. If a specific classification level is already associated with a retention policy, the classification level appears grayed out.
- Once a retention policy uses a board classification level, you cannot turn off the Data Classification feature.
- Once a classification level is associated with a retention policy, you cannot delete that specific classification level.
- When a board is governed by both all boards in organization scope and classification scope retention policies, the policy with the longer retention period is applicable.
- When you are done with Click Next.
The Review impact page appears. - Review the impact of the retention policy. The review impact page provides the following information:
- Summary: retention policy configuration, such as the policy name, retention period, and the scope.
- Policy impact: number of boards that will be governed by this policy. The retention policy is also applicable to trashed boards and they are included in the review impact calculation.
✏️ When a board is governed by both a time-based and a classification-based retention policy, the policy with the longer retention period is applicable.
- To save the configuration and apply the retention policy, click Publish.
✏️ Creating, updating, or deleting a policy triggers the retention policies process, which can take up 24 hours to complete. However, updating the name or description of a policy happens immediately as these actions do not trigger the retention policies process.