The Content Explorer (Figure 1) allows Data Governance Admins to view all boards being held under retention.
Figure 1: Content Explorer displaying boards under retention
The Content Explorer is a one-stop location where you can:
- View boards under retention. View information such as the board name, board owner, team to which the board belongs, board's current state (active, trashed, or retained), and date until when the board is under retention.
- Filter results to view information specific to your requirement. For example, you can filter the list of boards based on the team, owner, classification level, board state or the board usage criteria, such as the last edited duration (last edit from and last edit until dates). You can also filter content based on the disposition or retention policy criteria, such as the disposition policy applied, disposition start and end date, retention policy, retention start and end date.
- Review each result by clicking the row item. A slide-out panel (Figure 2) appears where you can view information, such as the board name, board owner, team to which the board belongs, board's current state (active, trashed, or retained), date until when the board is under retention, retention policy applied to the board and the retention scope.
Figure 2: Slide-out panel
✏️ To review boards under retention, you must have the Data Governance Admin role. To request for the Data Governance Admin role, contact your Company Admin.
Review boards under retention
To review a board under retention, perform the following steps:
- If you are on the Content Explorer page, skip to step 2.
If you are not on the Content Explorer page:
a. Go to your Miro settings.
b. On the left pane, under Enterprise Guard, click Content explorer. - On the Content explorer page, under Content lifecycle, click Retention.
- On the Content explorer/Retention page, click the board that you want to review.
A slide-out panel (Figure 3) appears on the right of the screen with the following information:
- Board name
- Board owner
- Team to which the board belongs
- Board's current state (active, trashed, or retained)
- Date until when the board is under retention
- Retention policy applied to the board
- Retention scopeFigure 3: Slide-out panel
Filter Content Explorer board list
There may be times when the Content Explorer displays a long list of boards that are under retention, and you want to customize the result list based on specific requirements. Data Governance Admins now have the capability to filter the board list according to a variety of criteria, enhancing their ability to focus on key aspects of their content lifecycle management tasks.
The filtering options not only include board team and owner criteria, but also extend to board usage and retention-related criteria. You can filter the board list based on various board-related criteria such as the team, owner, classification level, board state or the board usage criteria, such as the last edited duration (last edit from and last edit until dates). You can also filter content based on retention policy criteria, such as the retention policy applied, or the retention start and end date.
For more information, see Search, filter, or sort list of boards under retention.