Creating a case for legal hold is the first critical step in the eDiscovery process when litigation or an investigation is anticipated. A case serves as the organizational foundation for managing the legal hold process, allowing for clear identification, documentation, and oversight of all activities related to data preservation. Without properly creating a case, the legal hold process lacks structure, which can result in the accidental loss or deletion of critical information, leading to potential legal risks and penalties.
As an eDiscovery Admin, you play a key role in initiating and managing legal holds. By creating a case, you establish the formal structure needed to ensure that all relevant Miro boards are properly preserved for the duration of the legal matter. One of the purposes of creating a case is that it acts as a container that allows admins to group multiple legal holds under one case. This can be especially useful in scenarios where different legal holds are part of the same investigation, such as in a court case.
In many cases, multiple users need to be placed on legal hold. As the investigation or legal case progresses, you may need to create additional holds while keeping them all organized under one case. Grouping all related holds into a single case enables better management and oversight, as all holds associated with a particular investigation are contained within one central structure.
By effectively creating and managing a legal hold case, you ensure that all relevant data is preserved, and you streamline the process of managing complex investigations, reducing legal risks for your organization.
To create a case, perform the following steps:
✏️ You must have the eDiscovery Admin role to perform this task. To request for the eDiscovery Admin role, contact your Company Admin.
- Go to your Miro settings.
- On the left pane, under Enterprise Guard, click eDiscovery.
- On the eDiscovery page, click Create case.
- On the Create case page, enter the appropriate information for each field. The following table lists each field and its description.
Field Description Case name
Name of the case.
Max length: 60 characters.
Description for the case.
Max length: 300 characters.
- Click Create case. The case is created and appears in the list of cases on the eDiscovery page. You can now proceed to add a legal hold to the case.