Create labels to define conditions, like keywords or widgets, that you want to identify and locate on Miro boards. To create a label, perform the following steps:
✏️ To create custom labels , you must have the Sensitive Content Admin role. To request for the Sensitive Content Admin role, contact your Company Admin.
- Go to your Miro settings.
- On the left pane, under Enterprise Guard, click Data discovery.
- On the Data discovery page, click the Configuration tab.
- In the Custom business-sensitive section, click the Create button.
- On the Define custom label page, add the label details.
Field Description Label name Maximum length: 80 characters
Descriptive name for the custom label. You can use a company-internal project name as this label does not appear in the logs.
Note: The label name is not visible in audit logs. If you want to search/view audit logs associated with this label, you can use the label ID.
Short name Maximum length: 10 characters, alphanumeric
Short version of the label name. The short name is used to refer to this custom label in data discovery, content explorer, and data classification.
Note: The short name is not visible in audit logs. If you want to search/view audit logs associated with this label, you can use the label ID.Description Maximum length: 500 characters
Description of the information this label is detecting. This information is useful for other admins.
Conditions Add keywords and widget types you want to detect and add this label to upon detection on a Miro board. You must add at least one condition.
If you add only keywords and do not select any widget checkbox, Data discovery detects all boards that contain exact matches of the keywords you provided for all supported widgets. The current release supports the following board items for keyword detection: Sticky, Card, Jira card, Azure card, Code block, Frame, Table, Connector/line, Shape, Text block, Kanban board, User Story map. Notes and comments are currently not included in data discovery scans. We are working on including notes and comments in upcoming feature enhancement releases.
You can also select to detect only code block, Jira card, or Azure card widgets, without adding keywords. Data discovery then detects all boards that contain those widgets.
If you add both keywords and widgets as conditions, both the keyword and widget criteria need to be met for Data Discovery to detect the board. This enables you to refine your search and target boards more precisely using custom labels.
- If you want to narrow down the board detection to specifically detect product development-related boards, but not marketing-related boards, and the board must contain the project name Enterprise Guard, and you want to find only the boards that also contain a Jira card (as it is product-development related), you will configure this label to contain the keyword Enterprise Guard and select the Jira card checkbox. Data discovery then finds boards that contain the keyword Enterprise Guard and a Jira card. Data discovery also finds boards that contain Jira cards with the keyword Enterprise Guard in its title or description. If a board contains only the keyword Enterprise Guard but does not contain a Jira card, the board is not detected as it does not meet both conditions specified.
- If you want to detect all boards with the word Enterprise Guard on it for all supported widget types regardless of the widget types the board contains, in the Add keywords section, add the keyword Enterprise Guard. You do not need to add any widget type for this example.
- If you want to detect all boards with Jira cards regardless of any specific content, in the Add widget type section, select the Jira card checkbox. You do not need to add any keyword for this example.
To add a keyword:
1. Click Add keywords.
2. Enter or paste keywords separated by commas.
Notes:- Keywords support alphanumeric and Unicode characters.
- You can add up to 100 keywords or phrases.
- Any leading and trailing spaces are ignored in keywords.
- Data discovery detects exact matches for the keywords you provide, regardless of case sensitivity.
- If you add a space before a keyword, data discovery finds exact matches that have a space before the keyword as well.
- The current release supports the following board items for keyword detection: Sticky, Card, Jira card, Code block, Frame, Table, Connector/line, Shape, Text block, Kanban board, User Story map. Notes and comments are currently not included in data discovery scans. We are working on including notes and comments in upcoming feature enhancement releases.Example: To identify and label boards containing the keywords confidential or internal, add the following keywords: confidential, internal (use a comma to separate each keyword). Data discovery then finds all boards that include either of these keywords.
To add a widget type:
1. Click Add widget type.
2. Select the checkbox for the widget type that you want to detect on Miro boards.
Example: If you want to detect and label boards that contain a Jira card, select the Jira card checkbox.
- Click Next.
- Review the custom label details.
If you want to edit the custom label details, click the Previous button.
If the custom label details are correct, click the Create custom label button.
Once you create the label, the first scan starts automatically. Results matching the selected conditions will be available after a few minutes or hours, depending on the number of Miro boards in your organization.