Discover what’s possible in Miro with Miroverse, a Community Templates Gallery showcasing the very best boards of the Miro community. Use search and browse categories to explore the workflows, projects, and frameworks. Then, make a copy to get started right away.
💡 Visit the Creator Toolbox for more Miroverse publishing tips and resources, plus access to the Creator Community and events.
💡 Learn more about how to publish your own board.
⚠️ Miroverse is unavailable for customers enrolled in US Data Residency.
What's the difference between the Template Library and Miroverse?
Both the Template Library and Miroverse allow you to make copies of existing boards to your Miro team, instead of starting a board from scratch. You can use these copies to get started quickly, adapting them to suit your needs.
The templates in the Template Library are:
- Built by the Miro team
- Suitable for a variety of general use cases
- Based on industry best practices and customer feedback
The templates in Miroverse are:
- Built by Miro users
- A showcase of both personal and professional use cases
- Highly specific to their individual ways of working
- A window into how real companies and industry leaders use Miro
Finding Miroverse
You can access Miroverse directly from
To get to Miroverse while in Miro, click Miroverse on the left side of your dashboard (available on Desktop browser, and Desktop app only).
Getting to Miroverse from the dashboard
Or click the Miroverse link in the template picker. You can access the template picker either from your dashboard or from a board.
Accessing Miroverse templates from the template picker
Browsing Miroverse
The main page consists of a series of featured Miroverse templates, a search box, and a list of categories. If you continue to scroll down, you’ll see more and more featured templates.
Clicking on one of the categories on the top will bring you to that category’s page, in which you can see every board included in that category. Find templates most relevant to you with categories for collections, roles, and use cases. From here you can sort Miroverse templates by recently added, most used, views, and likes.
Browse categories from the categories tabs
Type in the search box to find templates. Matching search terms are highlighted in the results for template titles, profile names or company names.
You can share the search results with another person by simply copying the link generated in the browser address bar.
Use the search bar for a more specific search
To return to the Miroverse homepage from within a category page or a search page, click Miro | Miroverse next to the search bar.
Using a Miroverse template
Clicking on a template's card will bring you to that particular template's page, from which you can preview the template. You can add a template to an existing board or a new board from the template description page.
To copy a template to a new board in your team, click the Use template button.
Copying a template to a new board
To copy a template to an existing board in your team, click the dropdown to select a board.
Copying a template to an existing board
If you do not have a Miro profile you will be directed to sign up for free first. If you have a Miro profile but are not signed in, you will be directed to sign in first.
💡 For quick access to the templates, you use regularly, save the board as a custom template.
Template engagement
Discover how the community is engaging with a template:
- Check the number of likes, views, and copies a template has.
- Review and provide feedback on templates.
Likes, views, and copies in Miroverse
Miroverse likes and feedback
Show your appreciation and save your favorite Miroverse templates for later with Likes and feedback. Anyone logged into their Miro profile can add likes and feedback to a template in Miroverse.
- Click ♡ on the card or template page to add your support
- Click ♡ again to remove the like
- Click the message icon to give feedback and leave comments on a template
The option to add likes and give feedback on a Miroverse template
View any creator’s Likes from their Miroverse profile. You can share your saved Likes using your own Miroverse profile too. If you don't have a Miroverse profile, we'll save them to a private gallery only you can access and see.
There are two main ways to find liked templates:
- In the top-right corner of any Miroverse page, click your profile picture or avatar, and select Likes.
Accessing your Likes on Miroverse
- Select the Likes tab from any public Miroverse profile page.
Likes on a public Miroverse profile page
Miroverse page types
Miroverse gives you a simple way to display your hard work in a way that’s public and ready for sharing. Anyone can explore, discover, and share the boards and profiles on the site.
Template description pages
Simply click Use template to get started. When you’re logged in, the new template is automatically saved in All Boards under your last active team.
Simply click Use template to make a copy in your Miro team
💡 You can easily move this template between teams or to a specific space. To start collaborating on the board, invite users to the board or enable public access to the board by link.
From this page, you can also find additional information about the board and its creator. Select the profile to learn more about the creator.
For some profiles, you will also find a quick video introduction to the board. Providing a personal tour and additional context to set you in the right direction.
Scroll down the page to find additional information about the board and its creator
Miroverse profile pages
Showcase your expertise and take credit for your work. Profile pages ensure that anyone can learn about template creators and see every board they’ve published.
From the profile page, you can see the creator's bio, profile picture, social links, and the boards they’ve published.
Share your profile with the world
To learn more about a Miroverse creator and to see all the templates they’ve created, click their name on any template page or template card.
Navigating to a creator profile from a template card