When you first sign up for Miro, all email notifications, excluding Other email updates, are turned on by default. You can customize your notifications or unsubscribe.
Setting up board updates
You can receive Miro notifications via email, mobile push, Microsoft Teams, and Slack. To set up your preferences, open the Profile Settings > Notifications and define whether you want to be notified of the following:
- a board is shared with you
- a board is shared with the team
- someone requests access to your board
- someone comments in threads you are following
- someone @mentions you in a comment
- Talktrack updates
- your invitees sign up
- someone requests access to your team
- someone invites you to a team
- someone adds you to a project
- summary of changes on your boards
- weekly summary of team activity
- someone shares a custom template with the company
✏️ When you activate the summary of changes on your boards, you can set your time zone. This will define the time zone for all your Miro notifications.
✏️ Your time zone is set automatically during registration based on your device settings. If the timezone cannot be determined it is set to Pacific Time by default. The timezone is defined once and is not changed unless changed by the user in settings.
Remember to specify:
a) when you'd like to start receiving the notifications
b) how often you'd like to be updated on the changes
c) your time zone.
You can choose the way you'd like to be updated - email, mobile push or Slack.
✏️ If you do not want to receive emails with "New highlights on your board" from Miro, untick "Summary of changes on my boards".
Your notification preferences
Setting up Miro updates
In this section, you may choose what type of newsletters about the service you wish to receive. We'll let you know when new features come out, tell you about helpful case studies or interesting events that are coming.
At the bottom of the page, you can unsubscribe from any messages from Miro.
Your Miro updates
Following board threads
You can also configure notifications for particular boards: open a board, then click Main menu > Preferences > Follow all threads.
The option to follow all threads on a board
Feel free to set notifications for particular comment threads.
The option to start/stop following comment thread
Frequently asked questions
Can I change notification preferences for other members of my team?
- No, every user can manage their notifications individually in Profile settings.
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