Available to: Team Admins, User Admins, and Company Admins
Deleting a team
✏️ Please note that a team in Miro and your profile (your user data and email to which all your teams are attached) are not the same things. If you wish to delete your profile, check this article.
⚠️ Note that on the Enterprise plan admins are not asked to confirm the deletion and the suggestion to save backups is the last step of the process.
Deleting teams can be done by Team and Company Admins. Deleting your team results in all boards and templates being removed. To recover accidentally deleted boards, see the steps in the Trash management article. Before deleting the team, you may want to transfer your boards to other teams, save backups, or export them, and ask your team members to do the same.
To delete a team:
- Go to your Miro profile settings (within a board, click the Settings icon next to your board name. From the Miro dashboard, click your avatar and choose Settings).
- Click Teams from the left-side panel.
- Click the team you wish to delete.
- ClickTeam profile from the left-side panel.
- Click the Delete team button.
Deleting a team using Team profile
- Confirm your choice by clicking Delete team. Note that any boards you have associated with this team will also be deleted.
Team removal confirmation message
- If you are a single-team organization, you will receive an email with a confirmation link to finish the process. Click the Delete My Team link to finish.
Confirmation email to delete a team
Restoring or permanently deleting a team
Available for: Business Plan, Enterprise Plan
Who can do it: User Admins, Company Admins
When you delete a team, you can either recover the team or delete it permanently. If you do nothing, the team will be automatically purged after 90 days.
Restoring a deleted team will also restore any boards or templates that were removed when the team was deleted.
Deleting the team permanently will also permanently delete any boards or templates created by them. This cannot be undone.
Restore a deleted team
- Click Teams in your Company settings panel
- Click the Deleted tab in the Teams panel
- Find the team you want to recover; you can scroll or use the search bar to find your team
- Click the … next to your team and choose Restore team
- Your team will be moved back to the Active tab and any boards/templates will be recovered
Restoring a deleted team
Delete a team permanently
- Click Teams in your Company settings panel
- Click the Deleted tab in the Teams panel
- Find the team you want to recover; you can scroll or use the search bar to find your team
- Click the … next to your team and choose Delete permanently
You’ll be asked to confirm you want to do this by checking the Delete “[team name]” box, then clicking Delete permanently
Deleting a team permanently
Deleting the last team on Business Plan
It is not possible to delete the last team of a Business Plan. Instead you'll see a warning message: You can’t delete the last team in your organization.
You can use the following workaround:
- Cancel your subscription.
- When your team expires at the end of the billing period, downgrade to Free.
- Delete the free team.
On the Enterprise Plan, please reach out to Support for assistance.
Frequently asked questions
It also may be that a firewall is preventing the email from reaching your inbox. Please reach out to your system administrator and ask them to allowlist our domains and subdomains.Here is an article with more information on the mailers you need to allowlist.
✏️ If you want to leave the team you were invited to, check out the article How to leave a team.