Miro custom connector for Netskope enables visibility on data leakage related events and allows managing the following traffic inside Miro:
This guide provides steps to configure Netskope for Miro Enterprise plan and describes the user experience.
Available for: Enterprise plan
Create a new Miro app in Netskope
Inside your Netskope instance go to Settings > Security Cloud Platform > App Definition and click on NEW CLOUD APP:
Creating a Cloud app in Netskope
To create a new app inside Netskope you will be asked to import the following JSON file miro-activities-for-netskope.json:
{ "version": "" },
"domain_name": "miro.com",
"uri_path": "/api/v1/boards/.+/",
"http_method": "GET",
"uri_param": [{ "key": "archive", "value": "true" }],
"resp_code": "200",
"pattern": "",
"activity_name": "Download"
"domain_name": "miro.com",
"uri_path": "/api/v1/boards/.+/resources/.+/files/original",
"http_method": "GET",
"uri_param": [],
"resp_code": "307",
"pattern": "",
"activity_name": "Download"
Enter the application name, select the Custom Connector option, and click on IMPORT FROM FILE > Add To Activity List to upload the miro-activities-for-netskope.json file downloaded from the previous step.
Uploading the file
After importing the miro-activities-for-netskope.json file the recorded activities will be displayed. Now you can proceed to click on SAVE and create the Miro app.
Saving the app
Once the app is created you need to select it and click on APPLY CHANGES.
The option to apply changes to the Miro app
Create a new Policy for your Miro app in Netskope
Once the application is created you can proceed to create a policy. For that, you can navigate to Policy > Real-time Protection and click on NEW POLICY > Cloud App Access.
Creating a policy for your Miro app
Here in Destination, you need to provide the Miro app you created in the previous step, set up a Policy Name, and click on SAVE.
Saving the policy
Selecting where you prefer to place the policy
Finally, you can apply changes by clicking on APPLY CHANGES button.
Applying changes
Events visualization
Once you are all set, you can visualize the traffic by navigating to Skope IT, filtering by the custom Miro app, and clicking on See Events as follow.
The option to see traffic events
User experience
The users for whom the Download activities should be blocked need to have the Netskope client installed in their machine. When the users try to perform a Download backup operation, Netskope blocks the action and shows a native OS popup with a message.
A message shown to users that are not allowed to download a backup of a Miro board