Map existing dependencies or create new ones between Jira cards on your planner or anywhere on your Miro board, and they'll instantly sync in Jira. With the Dependencies app you can identify, visualize, discuss, and record dependencies between teams in real-time during planning exercises.
💡 This feature is now available for Azure DevOps.
Available for: Business Plan, Enterprise Plan
Available on: Desktop browser, Desktop app
How dependencies work
Dependencies appear as a layer of connecting lines, and show relationships between Jira cards.
They are only visible when you open dependencies on the board. Participants can filter different dependency types to discuss blockers and relationships.
Dependencies mapped between Jira cards on a Planner widget
How to create a new dependency
- Go to the Creation toolbar on the left-hand side of the board.
- Click the Dependencies icon. If the Dependencies icon isn't already in your Creation toolbar, you'll need to add it from Tools, Media and Integrations (+).
- The Dependencies panel will open.
- Click New dependency.
- Click First card and select a Jira issue from the dropdown or via search.
- Select the Dependency type based on those available in your Jira instance (for example, blocks, clones, duplicates, or relates to).
- Click Second card and select a Jira issue from the dropdown or via search.
- Click Save draft, or Save to Jira directly.
💡 Draft dependencies are saved only in Miro. You can create draft dependencies as suggestions to other participants and teams during planning exercises. Once they’ve been reviewed and discussed you can then either save them to Jira or delete them.
Creating a new dependency and saving it to Jira
How to view and filter dependencies
- Go to the Creation toolbar on the left-hand side of the board.
- Click the Dependencies icon. If the Dependencies icon isn't already in your Creation toolbar, you'll need to add it from Tools, Media and Integrations (+).
- The Dependencies panel will open, and any existing dependencies will appear as lines on the board.
- Click the Filter icon at the top of the Dependencies panel.
- Use the toggles to filter by Dependency type and Sync status.
- Use the Show lines dropdown to control when dependencies are displayed. Select Always to view all active dependencies. Choose On selection to see dependencies only when you click on a specific Azure card or dependency type.
Dotted lines show draft dependencies, and solid lines show dependencies that have been synced to Jira. The line color represents the dependency type.
Filtering the dependency view on the Planner widget
How to edit, save, revert or delete a dependency
- Go to the Creation toolbar on the left-hand side of the board.
- Click the Dependencies icon.
- The Dependencies panel will open.
- Click the Edit icon next to a dependency.
Editing a dependency
You can change the First card and Second card of a dependency, as well as the dependency type.
Changing the First card and Dependency type
Click Save to Jira to save and sync a draft dependency to Jira.
Saving a draft dependency to Jira
Click Revert to draft to revert a synced dependency back to draft.
Reverting a synced dependency in Jira back to draft
Click the Trash icon to delete a dependency.Deleting a dependency