Working on the board
Miro gives you almost infinite possibilities of working with objects on the board, so here are some tips on how to achieve your goals easier and faster
- Catch up (BETA)
- Synced copies
- Miro's new simplified user interface
- @Mentioning people on the board
- Attention management
- Board history: activity
- Board history: versions
- Brand center
- Breakout frames (BETA)
- Clustering
- Collaboration tools
- Colors
- Copy as text or as an image
- How to select and move multiple objects
- Intelligent Widgets
- Interactive Presentation Mode
- Internal and external linking
- Locking content on the board
- Presenting with activities
- Reactions
- Restoring board content
- Searching text on the board
- Shortcuts and hotkeys
- Structuring board content
- Switch type
- Talktrack board recordings
- Timeline (BETA)
- Uploading files to boards
- Using Miro with a mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen
- Ways to add content