Whether you’re collaborating with clients, partners or other external users, inviting guests is a secure way to work with people outside your team or organization.
Invite guests to work on one or more boards without needing to invite them to your team. This is perfect for meetings, workshops or consultancy projects.
Collaboration considerations:
- When you invite guests, you no longer have to share boards publicly.
- Guests are required to sign in and they only have access to boards they’re directly invited to.
- Guests can enjoy access to features in your paid plan, which means they can collaborate using tools like voting, timer, video chat and other Business Plan or Enterprise Plan features.
- Guests have unlimited access to shared boards, and their access doesn’t expire unless you explicitly remove them.
- Adding guests is free of charge and there is no limit to the number of guests you can add.
Available for: Business and Enterprise plans*
Limited availability for: Starter and Education plans* To enable the feature to invite guests with edit access to your Enterprise Plan, your Miro Admin needs to reach out to the Account Manager
Enable or disable guests
Guests are automatically enabled. To disable or enable guests:
Who can do it: Company Admins
- Open settings of the team you want to enable guests for. Note that guests are enabled/disabled in Team settings, not in Company settings
- Go to Permissions and scroll down to Invitation settings
Under the Guests section choose Don’t allow or Allow
Invitation settings on the Business Plan
Invitation settings on Enterprise plan
Admins don’t need to additionally allow guests on Starter and Education plans.
On Starter and Education plans, you can invite users with viewing and commenting access to boards without adding them to your team. But guests with editing access are not available on these plans.
Invite guests
Guests can only be invited to particular boards - you can’t invite a guest from Team settings. Guests must be signed into Miro in order to access shared boards.
- Open a board’s Share dialog
- To invite a guest, enter their email in the board sharing window and select their permission level (editing, commenting, or viewing)
When Can edit is selected, choose to add as Guest. If you choose Can comment or Can view, no pop-up will be shown and the invited user will be immediately added to the board as a guest
Inviting a guest
Guests with editing access may not be enabled on your Enterprise plan. Please ask your Miro Admin to reach out to your Miro Account Manager to enable this feature.
- Open a board’s Share dialog
- To invite a guest, enter their email in the board sharing window and select their permission level (editing, commenting, or viewing)
If Can edit is selected, you will see the following pop-up. Choose Add them to this board only. If you choose Can comment or Can view, no pop-up will be shown and the invited user will be immediately added to the board as a guest
The option to invite a guest with edit access on the Enterprise plan
On Starter and Education plans, when inviting guests, you can only grant view or comment access. To grant edit access to users who are not members of your team, consider public sharing with visitors.
- Go to your dashboard and hover over the board card. Click the three dots in the top right corner
- Click Share
- Enter their email address
- Select Can view or Can comment depending on the level of access you’d like to grant. Click Send invitations
Inviting a guest on Starter or Education plan
I don’t have the option to invite guests
There are a couple of reasons you may not be able to invite guests.
1. You may not have the option to invite guests if they’re not available on your Miro plan. If you can’t invite guests, first review your plan type to see if the functionality is supported.
Plan |
Free |
Starter, Education |
Business |
Enterprise |
Guests who can view |
✘ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Guests who can comment |
✘ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Guests who can edit |
✘ |
✘ |
✔ |
Your Miro Admin may need to reach out to the Account Manager to enable the feature |
2. Check that guests are allowed in your team settings by Admin.
If you’re a Miro Admin, learn how to enable guests for your team. Or reach out to your Admin and ask them to allow guests.
Guests in settings
Guests' names are the same names they used to register with Miro. As a result, you’ll be able to see each of your guests’ activity, making your work together more visible and collaborative.
Guests are visible in your settings, as well as in the board Share dialog for Business plans.
Admins can see the list of all guests under Company (if you're on Enterprise Plan) or Team settings > Active users. From there, you can convert guests to members or remove them.
Guests in settings
Relevant for: Business plans
To see all guests invited to a particular board, open your board Share dialog > Sharing settings. You’ll see a badge next to any users that are guests.
Guests in board sharing settings
How it works for invited guests
Guests will receive your invitation to the board by email with a link to the board.
Once guests are registered and on your shared boards, they will be editors, commenters, or viewers based on permissions you set when sharing the board with them.
If they’ve been invited as editors they can access several paid plan features:
- Create and change content on boards they’ve been invited to (add sticky notes, images, text, etc.)
- Use collaborative functionalities (e.g. video chat, voting, etc.)
- View & restore board content through the activity list
- Mention other users in comments
- Lock/unlock objects on the boards
- Access some of your team-installed applications
Guests can't:
- Create boards
- Share with new people & change board sharing settings
- Perform actions or change the settings of the team dashboard. On their dashboard, they will only see and access boards shared with them
- View team members and access team boards
Guests see the shared boards on their dashboard but can’t create their own boards in your team. Guests can request full member access to your team by clicking the corresponding button.
How the dashboard looks for guests
How to convert members to guests
Review this guide: How to change members to guests.
How to stop sharing with guests
There are two ways you can stop sharing board(s) with guests.
- Click Share
- Go to Sharing settings
- Click the dropdown menu next to the guest
Select Remove to delete the user's access to the board
Removing a guest's access to a board
Who can do it: Company Admins on Business and Enterprise plans; Team Admins on Starter and Education plans
- Open Team settings. If you're on Enterprise Plan or Business Plan, switch to Company
- Go to Active users
Find the guest on the list, click the three dots, and click Delete
Deleting a guest
Request to join team
A user has the option to request to join a team only if they are a member of the organization. A member may already have limited access to a board inside the team as a guest.
To ensure that a user can request to join a team:
- Ensure the user has the role Member in the organization.
- In organization settings, under Settings > Collaboration, ensure that Team privacy is off.
- In team settings, under Team discovery settings, ensure that Members can join after approval is on.
✏️ An external user with the role Guest does not have the option to request to join.