By removing a user Admins restrict their access to the team content and can take ownership of the user's content or delete it.
Available for: Free, Starter, Business, Education
Set up by: Team Admins, Company Admins
How to delete users
To delete Members or Guests from your team, go to Team settings. To access the settings from your dashboard, click the team name and choose Users on the dropdown menu.
Getting to Team settings
In the Users tab, click the three dots next to a user and choose Delete from team.
✏️ If you do not see the option to delete a user, check out the steps below.
Delete a team member
If the user is the owner of some boards, Spaces, or templates created in this team (shared or private), you will be given a choice whether to pass the ownership to one of the team members (on Free and Education plans - to one of the Admins) or delete them. Click the cross icon if you would like to change the owner-to-be. If you choose to delete the user and content, an Admin will still be able to restore the boards within 90 days.
✏️ On Business Plan, if you choose to transfer ownership to Team Admins, content gets automatically reassigned to one of the Admins.
Changing board ownership, while removing a user
On paid plans, you can also bulk delete users: select several users and choose Delete from team under Bulk actions.
Deleting several users in bulk
The deleted user will lose all access to your team Spaces right away (without being notified). Please note that they will retain access to the team boards that were shared via a public link - if the user saved the links to these specific boards.
After you've successfully removed Team Members, you'll see a notification at the top with the number of licenses now available. You can either invite new Team Members, or go to your billing settings to reduce the number of licenses in your team.
The message about licenses released after removing users
If you reduce your team size, the amount for unused time will go as a credit to the subscription balance. To know more about the prorated system of charge, please check our article - Billing and payments.
How to delete users on Business Plan
To remove a user and release a vacant license, open Company settings > Active users section and choose Delete in the user's menu. Define whether to transfer ownership of the user's content or to remove all the user's resources and click Confirm. If you choose to transfer the user's content, it will be reassigned to Admins of the teams where the content is located.
Removing a user from a Business Plan subscription
If you've removed users with a Full license, you'll see a notification at the top with the number of licenses now available. If you are not planning to invite Full members to take the vacant licenses, you can decrease your team size in your Billing settings > change team size.
The message about licenses released after removing Full Members
✏️ If you see a notification The team must have at least one Admin when trying to delete a user, it means that the user is the only Admin in a team or teams within the subscription. To fix this, you may invite yourself to these teams and grant Team Admin rights to yourself. Сlick on the number of teams of the respective user to learn which teams they are a member of.
Frequently asked questions
I do not have the option to delete users. Why?
- Please note that the option to remove members is available for Admins only. If you do not see the option in settings, please ask the Admin to delete users. You can find the current Admin's email on the Active users list. You can also ask the user to promote you to Admin.Team Admin in Team settings > Active users
Our Miro Admin has left the company. How can I remove them?
- Check the article: My Miro Admin left the company.
- How can I remove empty licenses?
- If you have vacant licenses that you want to delete, follow this guide.